General Terms and Conditions

Bridgy is a trademark owned by Escrowfy GmbH (“Bridgy”, “we”, “us”, “Escrowfy”). Escrowfy provides services in the area of Crypto-Assets and is a member of the self-regulatory organization (SRO) “Financial Services Standards Association” (“Verein zur Qualitatssicherung von Finanzdienstleistungen” – VQF), operateing under the indirect supervision of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (“FINMA”).

  1.         About These T&Cs

These Terms and Conditions (“T&Cs”, “Terms”) are a legally binding agreement between Bridgy Customers (“Client”, “you”) and Bridgy. They govern your access to and use of the Services provided by Bridgy, which include those described below and any additional services that may be offered by Bridgy from time to time (“Bridgy Services”, “Services”). These Services are accessible through the Bridgy Mobile App and any other related media forms, channels, mobile websites, or applications (collectively, excluding the Bridgy Mobile App, the “Sites”).

By accessing the Bridgy Mobile App or the Sites, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by all of these Terms. If you do not agree with all these Terms, you are expressly prohibited from using the Bridgy Mobile App or any of the Sites and must stop using them immediately.

By signing up to use the Bridgy App or Services, you confirm that you have read, understood, and accepted all the terms and conditions contained in these Terms, including Bridgy’s Privacy Policy.

These Terms are available on the Website and Mobile App and may also be communicated by email. They are automatically accepted when your Account is created and when a Transaction is executed, which signifies acceptance of the Terms. Executing a Transaction through your Account finalizes the agreement between you and Bridgy. Therefore, you can only terminate the use of the Services by closing your Account.

Updated Terms are automatically communicated to you. By continuing to use the Services after updates, you acknowledge and accept the new Terms.

These Terms may be translated into other languages for your convenience. However, in the event of a dispute, only the English version of these Terms shall be binding.

Bridgy reserves the right to change the Terms at any time for the following reasons:

  • To make them easier to understand or more helpful to you
  • To reflect changes in the way Bridgy’s business is run, particularly due to changes in financial systems or technology
  • To comply with legal or regulatory requirements
  • To change or introduce new services or products affecting Bridgy’s existing services or products covered by these Terms

In the event of a modification, the new version of the Terms requires your acceptance. You have 30 days to decline the new Terms. If you do not decline within 30 days, the new Terms come into force and apply to any Service carried out by you.

If you decline the new Terms, you must withdraw the funds held in your Account within 60 days, after which your Account will be closed.

The version of the Terms applicable is the one in force at the date of the performance of a Service. You are advised to save the Terms in force on the day you complete any Services, notwithstanding the archiving rules implemented by Bridgy.

The invalidity of any provision of these Terms shall not affect the validity of the entire Terms.


       2. Definitions

« AML-FT » means the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism and giving rise to the implementation of a system for evaluating client transactions in accordance with the regulations in force.

« Asset(s) » means any form of Crypto-Asset or legal currency that is supported and recognized by our Mobile Application.

« Bridgy Wallet » means the Client’s Non-Custodial Wallet.

« Bridgy Account » or « Account » or « Client’s Account » means a digital profile created and maintained by a Client within our Mobile App.

« Bridgy Services », or « Services » are the products and services offered to Bridgy Wallet holders. The availability of the Services varies between regions.

« Bridgy App » or « Mobile App » or « Bridgy Mobile App » is the mobile application to and from which the Services are accessible to Clients.

« Crypto-Asset(s) » means a digital representation of values or rights that can be transferred and stored electronically, using blockchain or similar technology.

« Exchange(s) » means a platform or service that facilitates the buying, selling, and trading of Crypto-Assets.

« Non-Custodial Wallet », or « NCW » means the wallet on which the Client stores, tracks, transfers and manages the Client’s balances of Supported Crypto-Assets. The Client is the only one to know and have access to the Crypto-Assets private keys, which are used to process transactions on the Client’s Crypto-Assets.

« Supported Crypto-Assets » means those Crypto-Assets as available to trade or custody in the Client’s Non-Custodial Wallet. Supported Crypto-Assets may vary depending on jurisdictions and may vary from time to time.

« Order » means a Client’s request to initiate a transaction within our Mobile Application

« Private Key » Private keys relate to the alphanumeric key which enables Clients to access their Non-Custodial Wallet and perform transactions on this wallet. The private key is known only to the Client in the instance of NCWs.

« Identity Verified Status » is the status given to Clients who have passed the KYC compliance checks.

« Transaction(s) » means any transaction carried out using Crypto Assets.

« Website » means








III.     General Applicable Rules


3. General Rules Applicable to the Services

The Client must register for a Bridgy Account to use the Services. The Client will need to complete certain verification procedures before they are permitted to use all the Services available in the Bridgy Mobile App, as detailed further below.

Bridgy may, at its sole discretion, refuse to open an Account or suspend or terminate the Client’s Payment Card.

  1.   Account Creation

When signing up for using certain Bridgy Services, the Client must first pass Bridgy’s Know Your Customer (“KYC”) process before having access, among other Services, to the Payment Card.

At the setting up of the Client’s NCW, private keys allowing access to the Client’s Supported Crypto-Assets that will be stored on the Client’s NCW are generated, as further detailed below.

  1. Private Key and Recovery

The Client is solely responsible for managing and safeguarding their private key. In case the Client deletes the Bridgy Mobile App or loses their mobile device, the Client will be able to access their NCW solely with their private key.

  1. Restrictions Relating to Clients

The Services are reserved exclusively for the personal use of the Client. The Client Account opened under these T&Cs is intended to record the transactions of the Client relating to their private life only, to the exclusion of all transactions executed for professional purposes or in their capacity as a professional.

This prohibition also applies to founders of individual companies, self-employed persons, and sole traders.

The Client Account is strictly personal. It is forbidden for the Client to lend it or to dispose of it. Any assignment or transfer of a Bridgy Account to a third party is strictly prohibited and will result in the termination of the Client’s access to the Services without notice.

The Customer declares that at the time of registration to the Services:

  • They are over 18 years of age;
  • They are not under any legal or judicial prohibition, nor any incapacity;
  • All the information provided during registration is honest, accurate, and up to date, and they will inform Bridgy of any change to this information;
  • They act on their own account and in their own interest;
  • They do not already hold a Bridgy Account;
  • They are not a “US Person” or assimilated to, i.e., they are not an American taxpayer within the meaning of the American tax administration.
  1.   Restrictions Relating to Transactions

The Client agrees not to violate any laws when using our Services. This includes any local, provincial, state, federal, national, or international laws that may apply to the Client. The Client further agrees not to use our Services to pay for, support, or otherwise engage in any illegal activities, including, but not limited to, illegal or otherwise prohibited trade, illegal gambling, fraud, money laundering, or terrorist activities.

For clarity, if we find that you have breached these Terms and/or any applicable laws or regulations, we reserve all our rights and remedies under these Terms and at law and will take all necessary actions against you.

You further agree that:

  • You will not encourage or induce any third party to engage in activities prohibited under this Section.
  • You will not impersonate someone or use or attempt to use another Client’s Account without authorization or use our Services in any manner that could interfere with, disrupt, negatively affect, or inhibit other Clients from fully enjoying them.
  • You will not distribute any virus or other harmful computer code through the Bridgy Mobile App.
  • You will not take any action that may impose an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our or any of our third-party providers’ infrastructure.
  • You will not reverse engineer, bypass, circumvent, or attempt to bypass or circumvent any measures we may use to prevent or restrict access to the Services, including, without limitation, other accounts, computer systems, or networks connected to the Services.
  • You will not violate, misappropriate, or infringe the rights of Bridgy, our Clients, or others, including privacy, publicity, intellectual property, or other proprietary rights.

Although we have no obligation to monitor any user content, we have absolute discretion to take any necessary actions at any time and for any reason without notice if you breach these Terms. Any use of our Services other than as specifically authorized in these Terms, without our prior written permission, is strictly prohibited, and we shall have the right to terminate your license to use our Services immediately without notice. You acknowledge and accept that by using the Services, you may be exposed to content that is offensive, indecent, or objectionable. We take no responsibility and assume no liability for any user content, including any loss or damage to any of your user content.



  1. Gaining an Identity Verified Status

The Payment Card becomes available to Clients only after they gain an Identity Verified Status. Bridgy will collect information from the Client as part of this remote identification verification process.

The Client performs remote identification verification by sharing the following identification data:

  • Phone number and email address. This will validate whether the client has previously opened a Bridgy Account or has attempted to remotely identify previously at Bridgy.
  • Country of residence and address of residence. It is specified here that only Clients with an address in Italy will be able to order a Payment Card.
  • A picture, without digital alteration or the presence of effects or filters, of a valid official identity document in their name, taken by the user through their mobile phone and involving the movement of the document in front of the video sensor. This ID document must contain an MRZ strip (“Machine-Readable Zone”). It is specified here that only official identity documents certifying both the identity and nationality of their holder are accepted, namely: national identity card, passport, or residence permit.
  • A “video selfie”, i.e., a video capture of the Client’s face, without digital alteration or presence of effects or filters, during which the Individual Client is asked to perform specific actions.
  • Proof of address dated less than 3 months.
  1. Keep Us Informed of Any Changes

Please keep your details up to date and let us know immediately if any information you’ve given us changes. If we discover that any of your information is incorrect, we will ask you to provide us with updated or supplementary information.

We will usually communicate with the Client through the Bridgy Mobile App. This is how we will provide account information and inform the Client about any fraud or suspected fraud relating to the Client’s Account. It is also how we will notify the Client if there is a security threat to the Client’s Account. To enhance this process, Bridgy may collect additional information outside of the identity proofing process and after onboarding to Bridgy.

As further detailed in these Terms, Clients are responsible for creating a strong password and maintaining security and control of all devices, IDs, personal identification numbers, passwords, hints, or any other codes that Clients use to access their Account (together, the “Credentials”). Any loss or compromise of the Client’s Credentials and/or their personal information may result in unauthorized access to the Client’s Account by third parties and the loss or theft of any Crypto-Assets and/or funds held in the Client’s Account, and any associated accounts.

In case Bridgy suspects unauthorized access to the Client’s Account, Bridgy will send you an email or a notification inside the Bridgy Mobile App. Please keep your email address and telephone number up to date to receive any notices or alerts that Bridgy may send you.

Bridgy assumes no responsibility for any loss that the Client may sustain due to compromised Credentials due to no fault or default of Bridgy.

  1. Risks Disclosure

In addition to any previously disclosed risks in the Terms, you understand that:

  • Crypto-Assets, including stablecoins, are not legal tender or currencies backed by a government.
  • The value of any given Crypto-Asset may be unpredictable. You should be prepared for prices to fluctuate to an extent that varies depending on the Crypto-Asset.
  • Trading in Crypto-Assets may be susceptible to irrational, sometimes substantial, market forces, and it may sometimes be unclear why the market is moving in a particular direction.
  • Crypto-Assets or Crypto-Assets related technologies and protocols may be subject to an increased risk of cyberattack, which may result in you not being able to access your Crypto-Assets and/or the value of those Crypto-Assets diminishing substantially.
  • There may be limited or no means for the recovery of lost or stolen Crypto-Assets. If you send your Crypto-Assets to an incorrect wallet address, it may be impossible for you to recover those Crypto-Assets.
  • Crypto-Assets may be transacted by means of new technologies, including for example distributed ledger technologies (DLT), and may in the future include technologies not known to exist today. Such novel technologies may adversely affect Crypto-Assets and may result in issues such as anonymity of ownership, irreversibility of transactions, accidental transactions, and concerns regarding transaction recording and settlement.
  1. Suspending or Closing the Client’s Account

The Client adheres to the Terms indefinitely.

Bridgy Services may be terminated at any time without cause, unless otherwise provided by law.

If we suspect illicit activities on the Client’s Account, Bridgy reserves the right to block the Services during the investigation.

Bridgy may terminate the Client’s access to the Services at no cost by notifying the Client via email with a two-month notice. No justification is required. The Client must settle any transactions in progress during the notice period.

Bridgy may immediately close the Client’s Account without the notice period for the following reasons:

  • Refusal or lack of response to provide additional information on the origin of funds or economic justification of transactions.
  • Provision of false, inaccurate, expired, counterfeit, or stolen documents.
  • Abnormal operation of the Client’s Account.
  • Non-compliance with any obligations under these Terms.
  • Suspected fraudulent or criminal behavior.
  • Failure to provide necessary information or if the provided information is incorrect or untrue.
  • Harmful use of the Bridgy Mobile App affecting our software, systems, or hardware.
  • Continued use of the Account could damage our reputation or goodwill.
  • Failure to repay money owed within a reasonable period.
  • If required by law, regulation, court order, or ombudsman’s instructions.

4. Termination of this Agreement

The Client can close their Account at no cost, ending this agreement immediately, by notifying us through the Bridgy Mobile App.

  1. Death

Transactions made from the deceased’s Account after their death are unauthorized unless agreed upon by the beneficiaries or the notary handling the estate. The Account will remain open as long as needed to settle the estate, with Bridgy ensuring the transfer of ownership upon written agreement from the beneficiaries or the notary.

If the Client’s Account is closed by either party, all functionalities of the Mobile App will be disabled. At that point, the Client will not be able to export the private key to any other non-custodial wallet solution outside of Bridgy.

  1. Client’s Responsibility

Upon request, the Client agrees to provide Bridgy and its Partners with all necessary information to verify their identity and transactions.

The Client declares and guarantees that the documents provided to Bridgy and its Partners are correct, valid, and sincere as of the date they were delivered. Bridgy reminds Clients that it is their sole responsibility to comply with applicable legal obligations. This includes tax obligations in all relevant countries affected by their transactions, as well as in their country of nationality or residence.

If the Client breaches these Terms and it causes us to incur a loss, the following will apply:

  • The Client will be responsible for any losses we suffer due to the Client’s actions (we will try to minimize the losses).
  • If the Client’s actions result in a loss of profits for us, the Client may also be responsible for those lost profits.
  • The Client will be responsible for any reasonable legal costs that arise as a result of Bridgy’s losses.

7. Taxes; Tax Return

Bridgy does not file tax declarations on behalf of its Clients. It is the Client’s responsibility to report and remit the correct tax information to the appropriate tax authority and to take all necessary steps to pay taxes in accordance with applicable laws. You agree that Bridgy is not responsible for determining whether taxes apply to your trades, nor for collecting, reporting, withholding, or remitting any taxes arising from any trades or transactions.

  1. Processing Personal Information

To provide the Services under these Terms, we need to collect information about you. Under data protection law, Bridgy is considered the data controller of the Client’s personal information. For more details on how we use your personal information, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

By accepting these Terms, the Client grants us permission to collect, process, and store their personal information for the purpose of providing the Services. This permission does not alter any rights or obligations the Client or Bridgy has under data protection law.

The Client can withdraw this permission by closing their Account, which will terminate the agreement between the Client and Bridgy. If the Client does this, we will stop using their information for the purpose of providing Services, although we may need to retain the information for other legal reasons.











IV.      Non-Custodial Wallet

The Client’s Bridgy Wallet is a Non-Custodial Wallet, meaning Bridgy has no control over it and cannot move the Crypto-Assets stored in it. The Client alone controls access to their Crypto-Assets, so they must ensure their private key and credentials or security phrase are always kept safe.

Bridgy, in partnership with third parties, facilitates the off-ramping of the Client’s Crypto-Assets and enables swaps between Crypto-Assets when the Client wishes.

The Client is solely responsible for keeping their NCW secure to prevent loss of access or control. Bridgy is not liable for any loss of access to the Client’s NCW. The Client is advised to back up their Private Key on their cloud account (iCloud for iOS and GDrive for Android). Bridgy is not liable for any losses or damages resulting from unauthorized access or use of the Client’s NCW.

Bridgy’s Non-Custodial Wallets are compatible with Wallet Connect, allowing the Client to connect their NCW with third-party NCWs. Such connections are free of charge and at the user’s discretion.

Bridgy does not guarantee the security or functionality of any third-party software or technology intended to be compatible with the NCW and is not responsible for any losses due to the failure, improper functioning, or incompatibility of any third-party software or technology.

Bridgy supports a limited number of Crypto Chains (“Supported Crypto Chains”).

Your NCW is intended only for the proper use of assets supported by the Supported Crypto Chains. The Client should not use their NCW to store, send, request, or receive any assets other than those supported on the Supported Crypto Chains. Bridgy assumes no responsibility for any attempts to use or transfer Crypto Assets to the Client’s NCW that cannot be supported on the Supported Crypto Chains.

Bridgy may, at its sole discretion, terminate support for any Supported Crypto Chain. Crypto Assets relying on the Supported Crypto Chains should be sold or transferred to another Crypto-Asset wallet before Bridgy removes such Chains from your NCW.

The Client acknowledges and agrees that by confirming the sending of their Crypto-Assets, they have checked and confirmed that the recipient wallet address supports the type of cryptocurrency or token being sent, is a valid address, and is the correct, confirmed recipient address. Bridgy is not liable for any losses of the Client’s Crypto-Assets and is under no obligation to assist Clients in retrieving them.

Bridgy will provide all prices and fees associated with the fulfillment of Crypto Asset Services on the Bridgy App. The Client can reject the stated price of the transaction free of charge; however, by doing so, the transaction will not be validated and will be terminated. While Bridgy does not have minimum value sizes for Crypto-Assets, Clients should monitor the stated fees and costs for the transaction.

Clients cannot cancel a transaction once they have agreed to the price of the Order and signed for its execution. The price for each transaction is stated for a limited period. If the Client does not agree to the price before the end of this period, the price will no longer be valid, and the transaction will not be validated and consequently terminated. The Client would need to reorder the transaction at a new price to continue with the Order.

The Client may be responsible for paying taxes or costs that apply to payments made or received through the Bridgy Wallet. Bridgy is not responsible for collecting or paying such taxes or levies for you.

Title to Crypto-Assets held in your NCW always remains with the Client and is not transferred to Bridgy.

The Client remains the lawful and beneficial owner of any Crypto-Assets in their NCW and any additional assets resulting from any applicable (i) network fork that can be supported by their NCW, and (ii) airdrop or similar distribution of Crypto-Assets that can be supported by their NCW.

A fork may occur if an organization, community, or business managing the blockchain decides to change the blockchain’s protocol or basic set of rules, resulting in a split that creates a second blockchain. Both chains share the same historical data before the split but no longer follow the same path.

As Bridgy provides users with NCW, it is the Client’s responsibility to respond to protocol changes for affected Crypto-Assets. Bridgy will do its best to inform Clients in advance of protocol changes and advise them on the actions they should take.










V.        Swap Functionality

Our Mobile App allows Clients to swap one type of Crypto-Asset for another through a decentralized mechanism (“Swap”). This functionality leverages third-party providers to ensure the swapping process is secure, transparent, and operates in a decentralized manner.

The crypto-to-crypto swap functionality operates in a decentralized manner, meaning Bridgy does not control, store, or manage the Crypto-Assets being exchanged. All swap transactions are executed via smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.

Smart contracts are publicly available open-source software programs deployed on the Ethereum blockchain that facilitate the peer-to-peer exchange of Ethereum-based tokens.

The Swap functionality may require the use of an underlying blockchain or other decentralized or permissioned infrastructure (the “Distributed Ledger Technology”), which may require that you pay a fee, such as “gas” charges on the Ethereum network, for the computational resources required to perform a transaction on the particular Distributed Ledger Technology (such payments and fees, “Charges”). You acknowledge and agree that Bridgy has no control over any Distributed Ledger Technology transactions, the method of payment of any Charges, if applicable, or any actual payments of Charges, if applicable. Accordingly, you must ensure that you have a sufficient balance of the applicable Distributed Ledger Technology network tokens stored at your NCW to complete any Swap transaction before initiating such a transaction.

You acknowledge that any payments made in the form of Crypto-Assets will have fluctuating values due to the volatile nature of Crypto-Asset markets. In the event of a change in the value of the Crypto-Assets between the moment of your submission indicating the Swap of a certain number of Crypto-Assets, and the moment the order is executed, the amount of Crypto-Assets you acquire may increase or decrease because of Crypto-Asset price fluctuations. You hereby expressly agree to any such adjustment and understand that Bridgy will not be held responsible for incurred losses during the Swap process because of price movements of Crypto-Assets over the given time interval. It is your responsibility to ensure that you accept or reject the stipulated indicative rates as provided by Bridgy, as well as the fee to be incurred.

The process that leads to the validation of a Swap Order by the Client is the following:

  • Via the Bridgy Mobile App, the Client indicates their intention to Swap one type of Crypto-Asset for another type of Crypto-Asset.
  • Following a successful smart contract call, Bridgy provides a price to the Client, along with Bridgy’s corresponding commissions and any applicable charges.
  • If the Client accepts the indicative price and holds a sufficient balance of the relevant Supported Crypto-Asset in their NCW, the Order is validated and the transaction executed.

Bridgy is not responsible for incurred losses during the Swap process because of price movements of Crypto-Assets. It is the Client’s responsibility to ensure that the Client accepts or rejects the stipulated rates as provided by Bridgy, as well as the fee to be incurred.

VI.      Payment Card Loading Functionality

Our Mobile App allows clients to load a Payment Card by selling their Crypto-Assets located in their NCW. This service is referred to as off-ramping.

Bridgy leverages third-party providers to facilitate the off-ramping process.

The Client acknowledges that any payments made in the form of Crypto-Assets will have fluctuating value due to the volatile nature of Crypto-Assets markets. If there is a change in the value of the Crypto-Assets between the moment of Order submission and the moment the order is executed, the amount of Assets acquired may increase or decrease due to Crypto-Asset price fluctuation. The Client hereby expressly agrees to any such adjustment and understands that Bridgy will not be held responsible for incurred losses during the off-ramping process due to Crypto-Asset price movements over the given time interval. It is the Client’s responsibility to ensure that they accept or reject the stipulated indicative rates as provided by Bridgy, as well as any applicable fee.

The process that leads to the validation of an off-ramping Order and subsequent Payment Card top-up by the Client is as follows:

  • Via the Bridgy Mobile App, the Client indicates their intention to top up their Payment Card and sell a certain amount of Crypto-Assets for legal currency.
  • After checking the market price with the Exchange(s), Bridgy provides a price to the Client, along with Bridgy’s corresponding commissions and any applicable charges.
  • If the Client accepts the indicative price and holds a sufficient balance of the relevant Supported Crypto-Asset in their NCW, the Order is validated, and their Payment Card is loaded with legal currency.

Bridgy is not responsible for incurred losses during the off-ramping process due to Crypto-Asset price movements. It is the Client’s responsibility to ensure that they accept or reject the stipulated rates as provided by Bridgy, as well as any applicable fee.







VII.   Miscellaneous

  1. Contacting Us

The Client can reach us in the following ways:

  • Write to us at:
  • Send us a message through the Bridgy Mobile App.
  1. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution

To the extent applicable by law, these Terms shall be governed in all respects, including their validity, interpretation, and effect, by the laws of England and Wales, without giving effect to its principles or rules of conflict of laws, to the extent such principles or rules are not mandatorily applicable by statute and would permit or require the application of the laws of another jurisdiction.

  1. Severability

The invalidity or unenforceability of any of these Terms shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other Terms, all of which shall remain in full force and effect.

  1. Waiver

Our failure or delay in exercising any right, power, or privilege under these Terms shall not operate as a waiver thereof.

  1. Intellectual Property

We own all the intellectual property in the Services. Subject to your compliance with these Terms at all times, we grant you a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, and non-sublicensable license to access and use the Bridgy Materials solely for your personal use of the Services. This license is subject to these Terms and does not permit:

  • (a) any resale of the Bridgy Materials;
  • (b) the distribution, public performance, or public display of any Bridgy Materials;
  • (c) modifying or otherwise making any derivative uses of the Bridgy Materials, or any portion thereof; or
  • (d) any use of the Bridgy Materials other than for their intended purposes.

The license granted under this section will automatically terminate if we suspend or terminate your access to the Services. All rights not expressly granted to you under these Terms are reserved to Bridgy or our applicable licensor(s) or supplier(s), as applicable.

The Client shall not reverse-engineer any of Bridgy’s Materials or any of Bridgy’s, our licensors’, or suppliers’ products (that is, reproduce them after a detailed examination of their construction or composition).

“Bridgy”, the Bridgy logo, and any other Bridgy product or service names, logos, or slogans that may appear on our Services are trademarks of Bridgy and may not be copied, imitated, or used, in whole or in part, without our prior written permission. Additionally, the look and feel of our Services, including all page headers, custom graphics, button icons, and scripts, is the property of Bridgy and may not be copied, imitated, or used, in whole or in part, without our prior written permission. All other trademarks, registered trademarks, product names, and company names or logos mentioned or displayed through our Services are the property of their respective owners. Reference to any products, services, processes, or other information, by name, trademark, manufacturer, supplier, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship, or recommendation by us.